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African Trade Agreement Pdf


The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) is a historic trade agreement that was signed by 54 African countries in March 2018. This agreement is seen as a major milestone towards boosting intra-African trade, increasing investment flows, and promoting economic growth and development on the continent.

The AfCFTA agreement is available as a PDF document, and its contents are of significant interest to business owners, policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders who are keen on understanding the implications of the AfCFTA for their businesses and countries.

The AfCFTA agreement is made up of 29 articles that outline the principles, objectives, and operational framework for the free trade area. Some of the key provisions of the agreement include the elimination of tariff barriers, the liberalization of trade in services, the establishment of a dispute resolution mechanism, and the promotion of industrial development and regional value chains.

The AfCFTA agreement also seeks to promote the participation of women and youth in trade, enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and foster cross-border cooperation in areas such as customs and infrastructure development.

One of the key benefits of the AfCFTA is that it will create a single market of over 1.2 billion people with a combined GDP of over $3 trillion. This will increase economies of scale, reduce the cost of doing business, and attract more investment into the continent. It is estimated that the AfCFTA will boost intra-African trade by over 52% by 2022 and increase employment opportunities for Africans.

In addition, the AfCFTA is expected to address some of the challenges that have hindered intra-African trade in the past, such as non-tariff barriers, poor infrastructure, and limited production capacities. By promoting regional integration and cooperation, the AfCFTA will create a more enabling environment for businesses to thrive and for African countries to benefit from their natural resources and human capital.

In conclusion, the African Continental Free Trade Agreement is a transformative agreement that has the potential to change the economic landscape of Africa. The AfCFTA agreement, available in PDF format, provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and provisions of the agreement. Business owners, policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the AfCFTA agreement to fully understand the opportunities and challenges associated with this landmark trade agreement.