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Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns Quiz


Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns Quiz: Test Your Grammar Skills!

Indefinite pronouns are pronouns that refer to one or more unspecified persons, things, or places. They are often used in combination with verbs, adjectives, or nouns to convey broad meanings.

However, one of the most common errors in English grammar is the incorrect agreement of verbs with indefinite pronouns. This can lead to confusion and misunderstanding, as well as a lack of clarity in written or spoken communication.

But fear not, as we`ve created a quick quiz to test your knowledge of agreement with indefinite pronouns. Take this quiz to determine how strong your grammar skills are, and to brush up on your indefinite pronouns usage.

1. Everybody _____ their favorite restaurant.

a) has

b) have

c) had

2. Each of the students _____ a different opinion.

a) has

b) have

c) had

3. Some of the cake _____ eaten.

a) is

b) are

c) was

4. Many of the guests _____ from out of town.

a) is

b) are

c) was

5. Anyone who wants _____ to sign up.

a) have

b) has

c) had


1. a) has – “Everybody” is an indefinite pronoun that requires the singular verb “has.”

2. a) has – “Each” is another indefinite pronoun that requires the singular verb “has.”

3. a) is – “Some” is an indefinite pronoun that is singular, hence the verb “is” should`ve been used.

4. b) are – “Many” is an indefinite pronoun that is plural, hence the verb “are” should`ve been used.

5. b) has – “Anyone” is an indefinite pronoun that requires the singular verb “has.”

If you got all the answers correct, congratulations! You have a strong grasp on indefinite pronouns and their agreement with verbs. If not, don`t worry – use these rules as a guide to improve your grammar skills.

In conclusion, correct usage of indefinite pronouns and their agreement with verbs is essential in good communication. Whether you are writing a blog post, sending an email, or having a conversation, make sure to use indefinite pronouns correctly. By doing so, you`ll be able to convey your message more accurately and effectively.