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 21:00〜23:30 交通事故・急患のみ






 21:00〜23:30 交通事故・急患のみ


Dol Tolling Agreement


A DOL tolling agreement is a legal agreement between the Department of Labor (DOL) and a party being investigated for potential violations of labor laws. The agreement allows the party to temporarily suspend the statute of limitations while negotiations take place. This can provide the party with additional time to gather evidence, assess the potential risks of litigation, and negotiate a settlement with the DOL.

The DOL tolling agreement is a useful tool for both the department and the investigated party. For the DOL, it allows them to investigate potential violations without being forced to adhere to strict time limits. This can be helpful because labor law violations can be complex and take time to investigate fully. By tolling the statute of limitations, the DOL can take the time necessary to ensure that they have thoroughly investigated the alleged violations.

For the investigated party, the DOL tolling agreement provides them with additional time to prepare a defense and to explore the potential for a settlement. This can be particularly valuable in cases where the potential damages are significant or the case is complex. By tolling the statute of limitations, the party can avoid being forced to litigate before they are fully prepared to do so.

To enter into a DOL tolling agreement, the investigated party must typically provide the DOL with a written request for a tolling agreement. This request should outline the reasons why the party is seeking the agreement and provide any supporting documentation that may be relevant to the case. Once the request has been received, the DOL will evaluate it and determine whether or not to grant the agreement.

In conclusion, a DOL tolling agreement can be a valuable tool for parties being investigated for potential labor law violations. By tolling the statute of limitations, the agreement can provide both the DOL and the investigated party with additional time to investigate, prepare a defense, and negotiate a settlement. If you are being investigated for potential labor law violations, it is important to consult with experienced legal counsel to determine whether a DOL tolling agreement may be a useful strategy.