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Sole Supplier Agreement Template Uk


A sole supplier agreement is an agreement between a buyer and a supplier that ensures the buyer will only purchase goods or services from the supplier. This type of agreement is common in business-to-business transactions and is used to create a sense of exclusivity and loyalty between the parties involved.

If you are a supplier looking to enter into a sole supplier agreement in the UK, it`s important to have a template that outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement. Here are some key elements that should be included in a sole supplier agreement template in the UK:

1. Exclusive supply: The agreement should clearly state that the supplier is the only source of the goods or services that the buyer requires.

2. Term: The agreement should specify the duration of the agreement and the conditions under which it can be terminated.

3. Quantity: The agreement should outline the quantity of goods or services that the supplier is obligated to provide to the buyer.

4. Price: The agreement should clearly state the price of the goods or services and outline any pricing adjustments that may be necessary.

5. Delivery: The agreement should outline the delivery schedule and specify any penalties for late delivery.

6. Quality: The agreement should specify the quality standards that the goods or services must meet.

7. Intellectual property: The agreement should outline any intellectual property rights that the supplier may hold related to the goods or services.

8. Confidentiality: The agreement should include provisions for maintaining confidentiality of any trade secrets or confidential information shared between the parties.

9. Termination: The agreement should specify how the agreement can be terminated, including the conditions under which either party can end the agreement.

10. Dispute resolution: The agreement should include a dispute resolution mechanism, such as mediation or arbitration, to handle any disagreements that may arise.

Having a well-written sole supplier agreement template can help ensure that both parties understand their rights and obligations and can prevent disputes or misunderstandings from arising. It`s important for suppliers to carefully review and negotiate the terms of any agreement before entering into it, to ensure that their interests are protected.