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 21:00〜23:30 交通事故・急患のみ






 21:00〜23:30 交通事故・急患のみ


Subject Verb Agreement Grade 10 Exercises


Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammar rule that is essential for effective communication and clear writing. This rule states that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number; in other words, if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well.

For students in grade 10, mastering subject-verb agreement is crucial for their academic success. Here are some exercises that can help them reinforce their understanding of this rule:

Exercise 1: Identify the subject and verb in each sentence and determine if they agree in number.

1. The dog barks every morning. (Subject: dog, Verb: barks) – Agree

2. The cats chase after the mice. (Subject: cats, Verb: chase) – Agree

3. They plays basketball after school. (Subject: they, Verb: plays) – Disagree

4. My friends and I love to hang out on weekends. (Subject: friends/I, Verb: love) – Agree

5. The group of singers sings beautifully on stage. (Subject: group, Verb: sings) – Agree

Exercise 2: Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

1. Jack and Jill ___________ up the hill. (go, goes) – Go

2. The committee ___________ not in agreement. (is, are) – Is

3. Each of the girls ___________ a unique talent. (have, has) – Has

4. Several of the boys ___________ to join the basketball team. (want, wants) – Want

5. Either the teacher or the students ___________ responsible for the mess. (is, are) – Is

Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences, correcting any subject-verb disagreements.

1. The books in the library is organized by genre. – The books in the library are organized by genre.

2. Some of the students in the class likes math. – Some of the students in the class like math.

3. The news about the election are disturbing. – The news about the election is disturbing.

4. The group of musicians are practicing their instruments. – The group of musicians is practicing their instruments.

5. The family who live next door enjoys gardening. – The family who lives next door enjoys gardening.

By practicing these exercises, grade 10 students can strengthen their mastery of subject-verb agreement and improve their writing skills. Consistently applying this fundamental grammar rule will not only enhance their academic performance, but also improve their communication skills in the real world.